Monday, August 3, 2020

Courge on a Walk

If I could just muster
Courage to trust her,
Trust her to tell her
What’s in my pocket.
A piece of the earth
Small, round, and of worth,
Symbolic of love
Held in a locket.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

My Three Little Shadows

Three little shadows,
Watching, learning, growing.
One shadow is left.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Love Over Imperfections

I love you because, like a porcupine
Whose given hugs on Valentines,
Despite my poky spikes and tines,
Your love you've given, I'm yours, you're mine.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Reflections of a Funeral

Hold on to the memories of old,
For the Son is on the horizon.
May our time spent here,
On this temporal sphere,
Direct us towards life's destination.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Hubris And The Decalouge

Pride I've seen commonly subtle,
Not loud or obsien type of sin.
Other sins, Pride is the common,
Their origins have roots here within.

Idolitry, Adultry,
Dishonor, Disobediancey,
Coveting, murdering,
Stealing, and Blasphemy.
Forsaking the Saboth,
Not keeping it holy.
Not telling the whole truth,
Surrendering solely.

Pride is the strand woven through them,
An undertone cause in the fall.
Giving us liberous freedom,
Devoid of the consience of all.

Hubris Waits For Humble To Think It's Just That

Subtle I've seen Pride most common,
Not to say it cannot be loud.
Often we don't recognize it,
It's hidden as Humble, though Proud.

Lowly for notice,
Humble for acclaim.
Pride is succeeding,
When humble for fame.
Whispering, tempting,
Convincing supirior.
Bending and twisting,
Humblely inferior.

Friday, February 10, 2017